
Dawn Johnson
Jul 27, 2021
Photo by Nguyen Linh on Unsplash

Julia and Carl are the best of friends,

they work together day and night.

Before we can ever make amends

it is him who is there to turn out her light.

Carl’s known all along what he’s been after,

since Jules is the one who gives him his fix.

This wedding band has bound a man,

to a feeling of love that never sticks.

I know my wife better than anyone

and she doesn’t love Carl at all.

She ever only wishes to spite me

in a self-destructive last phone call.

What am I to do with this?

The lawyer is just as emotional as the children.

This pillar of sand is the nail in the coffin

of the troubled future

we’ve been building.



Dawn Johnson

Dawn Johnson is an author, poet, and Editor of Carrie Magazine who currently attends Penn State University.